Confusing effects and affects of visual input

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: March 24, 2016

Their report indicates that these researchers never learned to differentiate between epigenetic effects on RNA-mediated cell type differentiation compared to the experience-dependent affects on behavior of amino acid substitutions.

Experience Affects Critical Period Plasticity in the Visual Cortex through an Epigenetic Regulation of Histone Post-Translational Modifications


We show that the early exposure of rat pups to enriching environmental conditions accelerates the critical period for plasticity in the primary visual cortex, linking this effect to increased histone acetylation, specifically at the BDNF gene level. Moreover, we report that the exposure of adult animals to environmental enrichment enhances histone acetylation and reopens juvenile-like plasticity.”

My comment: Nutrient-dependent microRNAs link chemotaxis to phototaxis in species from microbes like Pseudomonas florescens to mammals. MicroRNA flanking sequences link hydrogen-atom transfer in DNA base pairs in solution from the nutrient-dependent physiology of reproduction in all living genera to supercoiled DNA, which protects organized genomes from virus-driven entropy.

For example, the BNDF Val66Met and COMT Val158Met amino acid substitutions alter the stability of organized genomes during life history transitions in the mouse to human model.

Also, the bull sperm microRNAome links soil bacteria to plant growth and nutrient-dependent microRNAs in mammalian milk that alter brain development in human infants by protecting them from Zika virus-damaged DNA.

See also: Increased vitamin C in the diet could help protect against cataracts


…participants who had a higher intake of vitamin C were associated with a 33 per cent risk reduction of cataract progression and had ‘clearer’ lenses after the 10 years than those who had consumed less vitamin C as part of their diet.

My comment: They add this caveat:  “… the participants are predominantly of UK-origin and female, reflecting cataract progression between the ages of 60 and 70 years on average, so may not be generalisable.” The caveat suggests that everything known to serious scientists about the links from the nutrient-dependent stability and virus-driven entropy of all organized genomes in species from microbes to humans may not include their results.

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