Minimal level of conflict (8)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: December 20, 2023

See first: Minimal level of conflict (7)

Analysis of 6,515 exomes reveals the recent origin of most human protein-coding variants 11/28/12

“The findings confirm their earlier work suggesting that the majority of variants, including potentially harmful ones, were picked up during the past 5,000–10,000 years.”

Some, who claim to be Christians, continue to fail to link their claims to ecological adaptations during the past 5000-10,000 years. They are called neo-Darwinian theorists and/or moronic proponents of Intelligent Design who tout claims about billions to millions of years linked to energy that automagically emerged from the cosmic void. For example see:

Christianity vs evolution


“Richard Dawkins wrote of an imagined phenomenon he described in his 1996 book, called “Climbing Mt. Improbable.” It was his attempt to defend the explanatory power of evolution for microbes-to-microbiologists change over time. Going uphill, fighting the degradative probabilities, and building biological structures and systems without the need for intelligent direction. Over the last year, in multiple posts, I have dubbed this phantom kind of change over time: The Build-Phenomenon.

Multiple times I have challenged evolutionists to show me even one observation of the Build-Phenomenon. Past or present; long-term or short-term, biological or non-biological. Anything? Ever? They have produced squat. I’m still waiting.

And I will be forever waiting, because the phenomenon of an undirected material process, of its own accord, building a nascent coherent structure of many coordinated parts… is predictably, statistically, impossible. Or, shall I say, the probability approaches zero. It never happens, because it can’t happen. And no one has yet observed otherwise.

Of course, avoidance abounds. Misdirection everywhere. Here are a few of the things I’ve heard.

“Mark is a dummy, therefore evolution must be true.” Ad hominems are an automatic fail.

“Evolution has no direction. It can go any way it wants to.” Fine, but downhill change (or neutral) is not controversial. Microbes-to-microbiologists is the subject here. Stick to the challenge. Dawkins got that. Why can’t the rest of you (evolutionists)?

“You expect evolutionists to observe millions of years of evolution?” No. I expect you to observe at least one of any particular instance of the phenomenon happening. Just something, not everything. If the Build-Phenomenon is imaginary, evolution is imaginary.

“The Build-Phenomenon is a made-up term.” All terms are made up. Terms are devised to encapsulate concepts to facilitate communication more easily. That’s all I’m doing here. “Climbing Mt. Improbable” was also a made up term. Focus on the idea. Or, if you must, make up your own term for the concept.

“All development from a zygote is an example of the Build-Phenomenon.” No, it’s not. Development is not innovating a nascent structure(s), but merely making more of what already exists. That’s not what I’m asking for. I’m asking about where the designs came from. Undirected, or directed?

“If you think you’ve disproved evolution, you should publish your work and collect your Nobel Prize.” (I wish I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard this one.) The law of Biogenesis and the laws of statistical mechanics are already established, so the burden of proof is on evolution. Climbing-Mt-Improbable evolution has never been established by the scientific method, but only by popularity. This is known as the bandwagon fallacy.


THE EVOLUTIONIST’S BLUFF HAS BEEN SUCCESSFULLY CALLED. Microbes-to-microbiologists never happened, because not one step in that direction has ever happened. Not one observable step. Popular story? Yes. Science? No. Not even close.

But if you superstitious evolutionists ever have something, be sure to get back to me. In the mean time, stop pretending.”

Moving forward: Integrative Analysis of Morphine-Induced Differential Circular RNAs and ceRNA Networks in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex 12/18/23 links morphine-induced death to the end of virus-driven pathology via alterations in the miRNA-mRNA balance.

To my knowledge, Mark Champneys, and others like him have never addressed the facts about the weekend resurrection of the bacterial flagellum in Bacteria evolve over a weekend 2/26/15, or claims about the origin of energy in black holes.

See: Black holes as rechargeable batteries and nuclear reactors 11/29/23. This was reported on 12/14/23 as: Humans could use black holes as batteries, physics paper claims. Here’s how.

For comparison, more than 60K posts/tweets @microRNApro to “X” formerly twitter, and 166,027 indexed publications that mention miRNAs link ~3500 blog posts on to all biodiversity on Earth via The epigenetics of frailty 12/19/23.

“Frailty could be considered the result of environmental epigenetic factors on biological aging, caused by conflicting DNA methylation age and chronological age.”

Biologically uninformed theorists and others science idiots, continue to tout theories with no explanatory power compared to experimental evidence that links the Creation of sunlight and humidity at the origin of life to every aspect of pH-dependent healthy longevity from the miRNA-mRNA balance to life and/or death via the measurement of blood gas parameters and hemoglobin variants in the context of next generation sequencing panels that differentiate between virus-driven mutations and fixation of amino acid substitutions in microtubules across kingdoms.

Quantum coherence has been linked from the origin of life to coherently organized biology across kingdoms by model organisms and Biblical Genesis, except in theories. See: Top-down causation and quantum physics 10/22/18

See for comparison: Ask Ethan: How did the Universe truly begin? 10/27/23

“As much as I’d love to give you an answer to the question of a “first cause” for existence, the truth is that we don’t yet (and may never) know how, or even if, things truly began. This is science at the frontiers, and perhaps some young person reading this today will someday lead us to the next revolution concerning our cosmic origins.”

That claim attests to the fact that moronic theorists must maintain the level of human idiocy that clearly links unnecessary suffering and premature deaths from our claims in the molecular epigenetics section of From Fertilization to Adult Sexual Behavior (1996) to Vibrations in Microtubules (1997)

See for comparison: Frontal mechanisms underlying primate calls recognition by humans 11/2/23

Reported as: Can we decode the language of our primate cousins? 12/19/23

My comment: The similarities and differences among primate species were linked from olfaction and pheromones to fixation of amino acid substitutions via the ATP-dependent Creation of RNA in regulatory T cells and hemoglobin variants in 1964.

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