The physics of existence (10)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: September 5, 2022

mirnas More than 147,000 indexed published works link light-activated ATP-dependent changes in single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from the origin of life to biophysically constrained viral latency and healthy longevity across kingdoms.

See: Footprints of a Singular 22-Nucleotide RNA Ring at the Origin of Life 4/25/20

For examples of how quantum coherence is linked to coherently organized biology in humans, see what is known about the link from sunlight and humidity to oxygen-dependent plant growth and link what people eat to differences in hemoglobin variants:

A New Hemoglobin Variant, Hb Natal (HBA1: c.423C>A), Found in a Greek Family 8/24/22

This innocuous Hb variant was initially detected, in the context of the national prevention program for hemoglobinopathies…

Like sickle-cell pathology, most hemoglobinopathies are biophysically constrained by food energy-dependent pheromone-regulated changes in base pairs and the physiology of reproduction.

See: The genomic analysis brings a new piece to the molecular jigsaw of idiopathic erythrocytosis 8/28/22

Patients with idiopathic erythrocytosis could have a genomic germline background, eventually associated with somatic variants.

An example of how my genomic background was associated with testosterone-dependent somatic variants appeared in the context of a NGS Myeloid Panel testing, which was updated for germline testing.

3 somatic variants (genomic alterations) were linked to one germline variant of unknown significance.

Specifically, DNMT3A p.L650P was linked from TET 2 p.R1214W and TET2 p. R1359C to a confirmed variant of unknown significance, TET2 pS1448N.

Like sickle-cell pathology, the unknown significance of the germline variant links more than 1400 human hemoglobin variants from the diet-driven pheromone-regulated genetic processes of reproduction to all human biodiversity via fixation of amino acid substitutions in microtubules, as predicted in our section on molecular epigenetics in our 1996 review of cell type differentiation: From Fertilization to Adult Sexual Behavior

Molecular epigenetics. It is now understood that certain genes undergo a process called “genomic or parental imprinting.” Early in embryonic development attached methyl groups become removed from most genes. Several days later, methyl groups are reattached in appropriate sites. Fascinatingly, some such genes reestablish methylation patterns based upon whether the chromosomal segment carrying the gene came from maternal or paternal chromosomes. These sexually dimorphic patterns are labeled genomic or parental imprinting, and these imprintings are inheritable but non-genetic modifications of specific genes (Razin and Shemer, 1995; Reik, 1989; Surani, 1991; Zuccotti and Monk, 1995).

The extant literature on non-genetic modifications of specific genes has since linked what we placed into the context of pre-mRNAs, which are now called microRNAs, or miRNAs, or mirs, to examples of how altered quantum coherence is linked to diseases instead of coherently organized biology see:

Glyphosate disturbs various epigenetic processes in vitro and in vivo. 8/27/22

Glyphosate prevents the energy-dependent miRNA-mediated production of amino acids and proteins that are required for survival across kingdoms. The link to prevention of herbicide poisoning in humans is obvious.

See: Determination of Glyphosate and AMPA in Blood Can Predict the Severity of Acute Glyphosate Herbicide Poisoning 2/1/22

The severity of glyphosate herbicide poisoning was tentatively linked from deactivation of the cell death gene to glioblastoma and prevention of other cancers via Reduced expression of brain-enriched microRNAs in glioblastomas permits targeted regulation of a cell death gene” 9/2/11, and 10 years later via MicroRNAs Regulate Cell Cycle and Cell Death Pathways in Glioblastoma 12/17/21

And now, this: Application of RNAi technology: a novel approach to navigate abiotic stresses  9/4/22

The review article highlights current trends and advances in sRNAs’ critical role in responses of plants to drought, heat, cold, and salinity, and also the potential technology that identifies the abiotic stress-regulated sRNAs, and techniques for analyzing and validating the target genes.

Abiotic stress disrupts the pathways from quantum coherence to coherently organized biology. Theorists know enough about that fact to ignore the links from stress to virus-driven pathology across kingdoms.

They could learn enough about physics, chemistry and molecular epigenetics to eliminate their future in academia, but why would they do that?

WHO supports them.

WHO does not support the application of RNAi technology, which was patented by George M. Church et al., as RNA-Guided Human Genome Engineering

5. Repetitive elements or endogenous viral elements can be targeted with engineered Cas+gRNA systems in microbes, plants, animals, or human cells to reduce deleterious transposition or to aid in sequencing or other analytic genomic/transcriptomic/proteomic/diagnostic tools (in which nearly identical copies can be problematic).

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[…] The extant literature on non-genetic modifications of specific genes has since linked what we placed… […]

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