Darwinian adaptation: a clear evolutionary trail?

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: December 22, 2017

Summary: The light harvesting occurs in the ocean and on land. It links the creation of sunlight from food energy to the physiology of pheromone-controlled viral latency in all living genera, and all serious scientists know that.

Origins of photosynthesis in plants dated to 1.25 billion years ago

The world’s oldest algae fossils are a billion years old, according to a new analysis by earth scientists. Based on this finding, the researchers also estimate that the basis for photosynthesis in today’s plants was set in place 1.25 billion years ago.

A universal trend of amino acid gain and loss in protein evolution

Amino acid composition of proteins varies substantially between taxa and, thus, can evolve.

See for comparison:  Energy as information and constrained endogenous RNA interference (video)
For contrast, Philip Ball separates the origin of photosynthesis in plants from the origin of bioluminescence in bacteria in the ocean.
See: Water is an active matrix of life for cell and molecular biology

1) Water is a complex fluid in its own right (4, 5), and Darwinian adaptation to a complex milieu might be expected to generate much the same kind of enmeshing and interplay of the biological and environmental at the molecular scale that we find at higher levels of life’s organizational hierarchy.

Higher levels of organization are no different than other levels of organization. Organization is organization. But Philip Ball is a deceptive journalist. Neo-Darwinian evolution becomes Darwinian adaptation, which links the sun’s anti-entropic virucidal energy from feedback loops and the physiology of pheromone-controlled reproduction to microRNA-mediated autophagy and biophysically constrained viral latency in species from microbes to human. That causes the biologically uniformed journalist to claim:

2) All of this touches on the astrobiological question mentioned at the outset: should we, like Henderson (88) in 1913, regard water as uniquely “biophilic” and “fit” to act as life’s matrix?

There is no astrobiological question.  See the comments section on Understanding and accounting for relational context is critical for social neuroscience
George F R Ellis This is absolutely correct and forms part of the larger concept that top-down causation is a key factor not just in the way the brain works but in broader contexts in biology and even physics. This is explored here: https://rsfs.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/2/1.toc 25 Apr 2014 at 07:49am
I wrote:  Socioaffective neuroscience and psychology may progress more quickly by keeping these apparent facts in mind: Olfaction and odor receptors provide a clear evolutionary trail that can be followed from unicellular organisms to insects to humans (Keller et al., 2007; Kohl, 2007; Villarreal, 2009; Vosshall, Wong, & Axel, 2000).
Philip Ball has since changed the clear evolutionary trail that links the sense of smell to ecological adaptation. Ecological variation links the creation of enzymes that metabolize food and drugs to his claim about  Darwinian adaptation.
See also for a recent representation of his word-play: Quantum common sense

We don’t need a conscious mind to measure or look. With or without us, the Universe is always looking

There are stark difference in his claims about a Universe that is always looking that can be compared via claims about the creation of a universe in which viral latency is biophysically constrained by feedback loops. The feedback loops link food odors and pheromones from the physiology of reproduction in all living genera to all biodiversity via autophagy and the microRNA-mediated creation of supercoiled DNA.
In the spirit of the Christmas season and an attempt to stop the pseudoscientific nonsense touted by biologically uniformed theorists and journalists like Philip Ball, see: Quantized Energy Links Olfaction from Angstroms to Ecosystems Part 2 (video excerpt <2 minutes long)
Remember, Santa Claus (or someone like him) is coming soon. Philip Ball may not be prepared for that. He has been a very bad boy. At the same time that President Trump, who tries his best to be good, has been accused of censorship and compared to Hitler.  I do not think that President Trump would try to change neo-Darwinian evolution to Darwinian adaptation without mentioning how the speed of light on contact with water changes everything.
Common origins of RNA, protein and lipid precursors in a cyanosulfidic protometabolism
Reported as: … the conditions that produce nucleic acid precursors also create the starting materials needed to make natural amino acids and lipids. That suggests a single set of [light activated] reactions could have given rise to most of life’s building blocks simultaneously.
All the theories can be linked via facts to creationist science that has been supported with experimental evidence of biophysically constrained viral latency as presciently foretold by
1) Schrodinger,
2) Feynman,
3) Dobzhansky
4) McEwen,
and by
5) Eshel Ben-Jacob, who wrote: Bacterial self-organization: co-enhancement of complexification and adaptability in a dynamic environment 
Note his use of the term adaptability. It may have led Philip Ball to change Darwinian evolution to Darwinian adaptation.
See also: Learning from Bacteria about Natural Information Processing

Focusing on the energy, matter, and thermodynamic imbalances provided by the environment, Schrodinger proposed that life required the consumption of negative entropy, that is, the use of thermodynamic imbalances in the environment. From the perspective of thermodynamics, each bacterium can be viewed as a complex system that is composed of an “engine” that uses imbalances in the environment to do work, and a “machine” that uses this energy (to act against the natural course of entropy increase) for the synthesis of organic substances.13 A third information-processing system is also needed for the coordination and synchronization of the functioning of the engine and the machine. Namely, a living cell is analogous to a complex man-made cybernetic system, or a “chimera,” composed of information processing systems and of at least two thermodynamic elements. In addition, using the outer membrane, cells sense the environment.

We proposed that, besides “negative entropy,” organisms sense the environment to extract latent embedded information.13 By latent information we refer to data embedded in the environment that, once processed cognitively, initiates change in the organism’s function or behavior. Information induces changes; hence it can be used to generate an internal condensed description (model or usable information) of the environment, which guides the organism’s functioning.

See also: QuEBS 2018: Workshop on Quantum Effects in Biological Systems  has established itself as an outstanding stage to present the research in the intersection of physics, chemistry and biology. This field has… established excitons in biology as the “must-talk-language” when describing the quantum effects in biological light-harvesting systems.
The light harvesting occurs in the ocean and on land. It links the creation of sunlight from food energy to the physiology of pheromone-controlled viral latency in all living genera, and all serious scientists know that. If Philip Ball just realized that, he knows he has a long-standing problem with misrepresentations of  top-down causation. In any case, it is important to know that he has forced all theorists and journalists to acknowledge the likelihood that Santa Claus is not just a figment of a child-like imagination, and that the creation of sunlight must be linked from its contact with water to the physiology of pheromone-controlled reproduction and biophysically constrained viral latency in all living genera.

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