Anti-entropic solar energy

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: March 24, 2015

“We have a group trying to model the mitochondrion” — Ulla Mattfolk

Trash pickup problem

Excerpt: “The PGAM5 protein would be regulated by an allosteric mechanism, in which its biological function would switch from activation of the PINK1/PARKIN pathway for removal of damaged mitochondria to the FUNDC1 pathway for removal of damaged mitochondria,” according to Hannink. “Peptides behave like drug molecules; any time you can identify a biological process that is regulated by a peptide, that peptide becomes a leading candidate in the search for small, drug-like molecules that will act the same way.”

My comment: Antagonist Ricardo Lara Ramirez mentioned that “You could call DNA´s arrangement high-dimensional if you consider the entire chromosome. This is how DNA is packed to form chromosomes.”

His comment and misplaced focus on DNA caused me to wrongly think the discussion might benefit from including RNA-mediated events in the context of atoms to ecosystems. But Ricardo Lara Ramirez and other theorists don’t seem to like my attempts to discuss RNA. I think that’s because nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled feedback loops link RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions to chromatin loops and protein folding.

The differences in protein folding are the link to chromosomal rearrangements and biodiversity in my model. My model takes their ridiculous theories about “emergence” and places them into the context of biologically-based cause and effect.  See, for example:

All in the (bigger) family

Excerpt: “Jerome Hui of the Chinese University of Hong Kong found that in both insects and crustaceans, the same set of micro RNAs control expression of the genes for those enzymes.”

My comment: Antagonist Ricardo Lara Ramirez is familiar with the works by Jerome Hui. But they don’t seem to know that the anti-entropic energy of the sun links nutrient-dependent microRNAs  and viral microRNAs from entropic elasticity to cell type differentiation via RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions. If they knew that, they might be able to link the pathway from nutrigenomics to pharmacogenomics, which I have detailed, and what is known about cell type differentiation of all cells in all individuals of all genera via the physiology of their nutrient-dependent reproduction.

Instead, Ulla Mattfolk claims my works and blog posts like this one are mere inferences. See: Quantum physics, quantum biology, and quantum consciousness

If not for Joseph Kover, I would have nothing to do with theorists, like Ulla Mattfolk and Ricardo Lara Ramirez. They are two of the most biologically uniformed antagonists I have ever encountered. Only Matti Pitkanen is worse. He placed everything I’ve detailed in the context of RNA-mediated cell type differentiation into the context of his ridulous theory about the simultaneous emergence of hens and eggs.

Was ribosome the first self-replicator?

Excerpt: Can one tell whether it was pro-cell or bio-molecules that emerged first? It seems that all these structures could have emerged simultaneously. What emerged was dark matter and its emergence involved the emergence of all the others. Hens and eggs emerged simultaneously.”

My comment: Among the other discussants I first encountered via Ulla Mattfolk, only Joseph Kover has been helpful. I think he directed my attention to Near-Infrared Laser-Induced Structural Changes of Glycine·Water Complexes in an Ar Matrix, which among other things, helps with Untangling the quantum entanglement behind photosynthesis.  Now, Joseph Kover claims he is planning to write something and discuss details that he has not mentioned in Facebook discussions.

Great. That’s what I did when I published Human pheromones and food odors: epigenetic influences on the socioaffective nature of evolved behaviors (2012) and Nutrient-dependent/pheromone-controlled adaptive evolution: a model (2013).  I’ve spent more than $2000 in the past two years to establish the domains and, where I have continued to encourage discussion.

Ricardo Lara Ramirez has on several occasions chided me because both domains are “deserted” and I have been banned from discussion groups, like Ulla Mattfolk’s — and several others, like the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) group.  If not for the fact that one of the SICB 2015 presenters, who went to school with Ricardo Lara Ramirez just confirmed what I claimed in my 2014 invited review on nutritional epigenetics, I would think that telling the truth about biologically-based cause and effect was of no use to theorists.

In my 2013 review, I wrote: “The small non-coding RNA molecules are called microRNAs (miRNAs). MiRNAs alter intercellular signaling by changing the balance between miRNAs and messenger RNA (mRNA) . The changes are linked to health and to pathology (Mori et al., 2014).” Nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled ecological adaptations: from atoms to ecosystems.
Sorry, I used intercellular when I meant intracellular. Hopefully, the context makes that clear. Intercellular means “between the cells” and intracellular means “inside the cells”.

In January 2015, Jerome Hui reported that the same enzymes in both insects and crustaceans were linked by the same set of microRNAs , which control expression of the genes for those enzymes.

On March 17, 2015, I read this report: ‘Junk DNA’ Used To Sort Species
Excerpt: Non-coding RNAs such as microRNAs (miRNA) are now recognized as important regulators of gene expression. Now, a team of researchers led by Professor Jerome Hui from the Chinese University of Hong Kong has found another use for miRNA—to understand the evolutionary relationship between different species. They first compared non-coding sequences between human, chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, and macaque, and successfully recovered the evolutionary history of human and our close relative, showing that chimpanzees share the closest common ancestor with human, followed by gorilla, orangutan, and then macaque being the more distant relatives.
My comment: In the journal article, they claim “This study establishes a new approach for resolving animal species relationships, building markedly on ideas first noted in Field et al. [9], and suggests that the flanking sequences of miRNAs are under strong functional constraint after speciation events.”
Dobzhansky (1973) was the first to note that “…the so-called alpha chains of hemoglobin have identical sequences of amino acids in man and the chimpanzee, but they differ in a single amino acid (out of 141) in the gorilla” (p. 127).
In our 1996 Hormones and Behavior review, we placed the differences in the cell types of primates and other species into the context of RNA-mediated pheromone-controlled species-specific cell type differentiation, which is functional constrained after speciation by nutrient-dependent species-specific pheromones.
In my 2013 review, I noted that “…the epigenetic ‘tweaking’ of the immense gene networks that occurs via exposure to nutrient chemicals and pheromones can now be modeled in the context of the microRNA/messenger RNA balance, receptor-mediated intracellular signaling, and the stochastic gene expression required for nutrient-dependent pheromone-controlled adaptive evolution.”
The claim that their findings build “…markedly on ideas first noted in Field et al. [9]…” (2014) suggests they are 18-41 years behind the extant literature on RNA-mediated amino acid substitutions and cell type differentiation in all cells of all individuals of all genera, which occurs in the context of their biophysically constrained chemistry of nutrient-dependent protein folding.
The context of my attempt to discuss RNA-mediated cell type differentiation is this report: NASA Is Amazed By A Huge, Unknown, Energy Field. See also: Correctly modeling biological energy I doubt the ability of theorists to understand anything about biologically-based cause and effect until they learn that solar energy is the energy that fuels the nutient-dependent physiology of reproduction on this planet.

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