Polymaths and paradigm shifts: from Asimov to Bear (3)

By: James V. Kohl | Published on: March 14, 2018

Polymaths and paradigm shifts: from Asimov to Bear (2)

Teilhardism And The New Religion: A Thorough Analysis of the Teachings of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin”, p.18, TAN Books

The evolutionist thesis has become more stringently unthinkable than ever before. — Dr. Wolfgang Smith (2015).

A Chat with Information Scientist Pedro Marijuán (2017)

I’ve based my informational scheme of the cell on this thinking of “distinction on the adjacent” — where molecular recognition is the essential phenomenon over which biological complexity has been developed.

Biological complexity develops in the context of the olfactory code. Molecular recognition of food odors and pheromones biophysically constrains viral latency.

See: Fundamental principles of the olfactory code  Volume 164, February 2018, Pages 94-101 open access

Sensory coding represents a basic principle of all phyla in nature: species attempt to perceive their natural surroundings and to make sense of them. Ultimately, sensory coding is the only way to allow a species to make the kinds of crucial decisions that lead to a behavioral response.

Alternative splicing of microRNAs (aka pre-mRNAs) are required for a behavior response.

The splicing code  Volume 164, February 2018, Pages 39-48

…the splicing code depends on a myriad of different factors that in part are influenced by the background in which they are read such as different cells, tissues or developmental stages. Given the complexity of the splicing process, the construction of an algorithm that can define exons or their fate with certainty has not yet been achieved.

Algorithms define nothing. The availability of quantized energy as information must be linked to biophysically constrained viral latency and all biologically based cause and effect.

What is code biology?  Volume 164, February 2018, Pages 1-10

The great discontinuities of the history of life, in other words, can be explained as the result of the appearance of new codes.

New codes do not automagically occur. The new codes are energy-dependent and RNA-mediated in the context of the fixation of amino acid substitutions that differentiate the cell types of all living genera.

On universal coding events in protein biogenesis  Volume 164, February 2018, Pages 16-25

The complete ribosomal protein synthesis cycle and codon-amino acids associations are universally preserved in all life taxa on Earth. This process is accompanied by a set of hierarchically organized recognition and controlling events at different complexity levels. It starts with amino acid activation by aminoacyl tRNA synthetases…

The energy-dependent creation of the tRNA synthetases links hydrogen-atom transfer in DNA base pairs in solution to all energy-dependent biodiversity.

How prokaryotes ‘encode’ their environment: Systemic tools for organizing the information flow  Volume 164, February 2018, Pages 26-38

An important issue related to code biology concerns the cell’s informational relationships with the environment. As an open self-producing system, a great variety of inputs and outputs are necessary for the living cell, not only consisting of matter and energy but also involving information flows.

Quantized energy is the information that flows through every cell type in all prokaryotes.

Causation, constructors and codes  Volume 164, February 2018, Pages 121-127

A formal definition of codes in general, and organic codes in particular, allows the relational diagram to be extended so as to capture this translation of formal cause into process. The extended relational diagram is used to exemplify causal entailment in a diverse range of processes, such as enzyme action, construction of automata, communication through the Morse code, and ribosomal polypeptide synthesis through the genetic code.

The diverse range of processes starts with the creation of energy-dependent enzyme action. The anti-entropic virucidal energy of sunlight was first linked to the creation of all biodiversity on Earth in 1944: What is Life?

Indeed, in the case of higher animals we know the kind of orderliness they feed upon well enough, viz. the extremely well-ordered state of matter in more or less complicated organic compounds, which serve them as foodstuffs. After utilizing it they return it in a very much degraded form -not entirely degraded, however, for plants can still make use of it. (These, of course, have their most power supply of ‘negative entropy’ the sunlight.) (pp. 73 and 74)

If you think you can link anything except sunlight to all biodiversity on Earth, see: Evolution – Genetic Novelty/Genomic Variations by RNA Networks and Viruses
If you know that serious scientists do not link viruses to the evolution of anything except pathology, see:
Schrödinger at 75 – The Future of Biology – September 2018
The future of biology will not be left in the hands of biologically uninformed theorists.

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